Shuban Gouru

3 published articles with a combined 1145 views, 1 likes, and 0 shares.


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What is the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design / Training?

by Shuban Gouru ·Jan 24, 2023


The ADDIE model is used to create functional training programs to help employees of organizations. Read more

What are the Different Types of Corporations (S, C, B, etc.)?

by Ayush Sagar and Shuban Gouru ·Aug 25, 2022


Corporations can take many different forms, each of which has specific benefits and perks associated with them. Read more

Website Redirect Types & Uses

by Shuban Gouru ·Aug 21, 2022


There are many different kinds of website redirects one can use; this article covers two common redirect types and also discusses meta refreshes. Read more

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