Staff Benefits
Everyone at Pitch Labs receives perks. Working at Pitch Labs isn't just obtaining a title, it is about obtaining knowledge, doing good, and sharing that good. What's in it for you? Check it out:
From Day 1 of becoming a Pitch Labs staff member, you will:
Be able to volunteer your time remotely, from home, beach, or cafe :)
Get access to your own custom email which comes with advanced Google Suite features
Have the chance to be part of teams that work to provide an important, meaningful service/resource to the public and more specifically, for young entrepreneurs
Gain access to the inside of a nonprofit organization that will work with you to achieve your educational goals while you learn new things and/or practice skills
Get access to our staff community and like-minded individuals that can help you find/pursue new opportunities for mentor-ing and mentor-ship
Get exposure to playing a certain role in virtual workplace setting and a chance to improve corporate communication skills
Become more immersed in our product to help you grow your own business
Time off during times around Exams, Vacations, Camps, etc. We will work with you to best accommodate your needs.
At the 90 DAY mark, you will:
- be eligible for a 1:1 Coaching / Q&A Career Development session (for 30-45mins) with a PL Advisory Committee member of choice where volunteer sets the agenda (once a month max)
- have the ability to transfer to another internal department/role based on your growth & interests
- begin to receive milestone celebration & project/impact recognition, publicly on PL social platforms (via Volunteer Of The Month nomination, etc.)
- gain access to a variety of memberships/tools to further educational interests, career development needs, for mental health support, hobby exploration, and having FUN. (Coming Soon!)
- gain access to any planned internal educational webinars led by guest industry specialists (Coming Soon!)
At the 6 MONTH mark, you will:
- get your own small business/start up publicized on our website's directory
- become eligible for submission to a Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) if you have logged over 100 service hours for certification
- be eligible to request CV/resume review, updating, & creation/redesign services from our Human Resources Department as well as LinkedIn review/Interview prep assistance towards your personal job search
At the 1 YEAR mark, you will:
- receive a written recommendation/reference from your Department Manager and/or the Founder of Pitch Labs for your resume or public LinkedIn profile