What is a control group?

By Aditya Bhardwaj3 min read · Posted Apr 14, 2023


A control group is a group of people who do not receive the study intervention in an experimental study. The purpose of the control group is to provide a basis for comparison for the experimental group (“the group receiving the intervention”). In this way, the control group allows investigators to isolate the effects of the intervention and determine whether it is responsible for the observed changes.

The control group concept is rooted in the scientific method and is considered a cornerstone of experimental design. Using a control group allows researchers to exclude external variables and confounding factors that may affect study results. For example, suppose the intervention under study is a new drug. In that case, a control group is used to separate the drug's effect from other factors that may influence the outcome. B. Changes in diet, exercise, or stress levels.

Types of Control Groups

Several types of control groups can be used in experimental studies, including placebo controls, no-treatment controls, and historical controls. A placebo control group is a group of people who receive a placebo(a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect) or inactive treatment instead of the intervention under investigation. This type of control group is often used in clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of new drugs.

A no-treatment control group is a group of people who receive no treatment at all. This type of control group is used to determine the natural history of the disease and exclude the effects of irrelevant variables. For example, suppose the intervention under study is a novel exercise program. In that case, a no-treatment control group is used to isolate the effects of the exercise program from other factors that may influence the outcome, such as genetics.

A historical control group is a group of previously treated people whose results are used to compare with the experimental groups. This control group is used when it is impossible or ethically impossible to conduct a randomized controlled trial. For example, suppose the intervention under study is a new surgical procedure. In that case, a historical control group is used to isolate the impact of surgery from other factors that may influence the outcome, such as B. Changes in patient demographics, technology, or patient selection criteria.

Advantages of a Control Group

One of the main advantages of using a control group in experimental studies is that it helps increase the study's internal validity. Internal validity refers to the extent to which a study's results are attributable to the intervention under study rather than external variables. Using a control group allows researchers to exclude external variables and confounding factors, increasing the study's internal validity..

Another advantage of using a control group is that it helps increase the study's external validity. External validity refers to the extent to which a study's results can be generalized to other populations and settings. Using a control group allows researchers to determine their results' generalizability and identify factors that limit the generalizability of their results.


Thus the use of a control group is an essential aspect of experimental design and is considered a cornerstone of the scientific method. Control groups help to isolate the effects of the intervention being studied, increase the study's internal validity, and increase the study's external validity. By using a control group, researchers can provide a more accurate and reliable picture of the effects of the intervention and can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field of study.


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