What is UX (User Experience) Design?

By Rithika Revur3 min read · Posted Oct 15, 2022



Have you ever wondered what UX design was? Or why companies work towards creating the ultimate UX design for their products. You could also wonder what some ways you can create a UX design for your products are. This article will cover the fundamentals of UX design, some UX design methods, and how UX design can benefit you or your company.

What is it?

UX design is the process where a company works to create a product that will attune to the consumer. Its goal is to make a product that will be aesthetically and functionally pleasing for its customers. Companies can't "design" a user experience, but they can work towards creating the ideal user experience.

Methods of UX

There are around twenty different methods of UX design. It's essential to understand the different types of methods to ensure what way should be used at what time and circumstances. Three identifications must be made to know which method is best for your user design, and understanding these will help you to your goal of creating a great user experience for your clients.

The Attitudinal vs. Behavioral Dimension

This is understanding the balance between your consumers' beliefs, along with what they say and what they actually will do. The dimension helps organizations assess customers' beliefs to establish customized products and experiences.

The Qualitative vs. Quantitative Dimension

The dimension is used to understand if users favor quantitative data, such as numbers and statistics, or qualitative data, like pictures and graphs. This is important because understanding the audience's wants will help the organization effectively advertise and sell products.

The Context of Product Use

This is used to understand the purpose of the product to the customer. This can help an organization better understand its product's impact on customers and make changes if needed.

The Five Primary Methods of UX

Customer Feedback:

One of the most common ways companies design UX for their products is to gather and analyze customer feedback. Consumers write reviews about the product and send them to the company. The company analyzes the input and creates necessary changes to improve the product's user experience.

Participatory Design:

This type of design is more open-ended, and the organization gives participants materials and constructs their ideal product. This can help the company better understand the needs of its target audience and create a robust user experience.

Concept Testing:

The method is where organizations create a prototype of their original product or create something similar to their actual product and give it to their target audience. Their reactions and opinions help the company better understand the audience's needs and guide the company in a successful direction.


Like Customer Feedback, surveys collect more quantitative data to understand better their product and how it affects the user's experience.

How Can it be Used?

UX design is used to help companies create great products for their users. Their goal with UX design is to understand the customers' needs and develop products that can help the user in any way possible. UX design can create more attraction to a consequence, thus creating more significant revenue and helping towards greater customer satisfaction.


UX design is where an organization tries to create a product with the best UX. This can help a company generate more revenue for its products and gain more customers. Understanding the importance of UX design and how this method can help your company sell quality products to its user, creating a solid reputation for your company within the target audience, the community, and the world.


About The Author

Rithika Revur

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